This piece was for a show, they wanted something with a Sci-Fi vibe. I pulled out some of my old Moog software and started programming some drone sounds. 

The Polish graphic designer, Michal Karcz, gave me permission to use this image with the music. 

Composed this piece for a show, wrote for cello and clarinet. The segment is about a man reflecting back on his life. 

This was an original composition (I ended up tweaking it for a Park Hyatt ad), I wanted to write a piece of music that captured the feeling of the Earth when it was formless and void. The sense of space, air and element. The ambience.  

To do this I experimented with reversing recordings of instruments. 

I wrote music for this ad for the American Golf Corporation. They wanted a build when the golfer drives the ball, so I done did it. 

A fun ad we did for Milestone Insurance. They wanted some quirky music and sounds. I love the “grubby cheeto finger” lines.

They wanted a Nina Simone “Sinnerman” style song for this piece. I like the minimalistic hand drawn feel. Creating the little communication factory sound was fun too. I wish you could hear some of the music and sound better, but alas you do need to hear the voice over…

I did Music + Sound for this one as well. Created a little soundscape for this little guy running from one environment to the next.