Request Music

You might have noticed that I added a Request Music panel on the side of my blog. This is for those of you would like to have/download a copy of a song that I’ve placed on my blog.

In the future I’ll try to make most of my posts download-able but if there is a song I’ve posted before just go to the Request Music page and let me know what song you would like. I’ll either email it to you or put up a download-able link. Thanks for reading and listening!


To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts - such is the duty of the artist.
— Robert Schumann

Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren’t very new after all.
— Abraham Lincoln

Some of you might have already seen this but this is another short I wrote the music for. Animated and written by Tommy Bertin from the land of Canada.

I’ve realized that both of these shorts are a bit sad. I don’t want anyone to get the idea that I’m depressed all the time, sitting in a smoky room wiping my eyes with sheet music. I’m definitely looking forward to writing a cheerful score one of these days (complete with bells, chimes, and bubble sound effects) ;)


Here’s the short we shot in Argentina. As always, we would have loved to flesh this story out a lot more but film festivals are pretty strict about their time limits.

Sorry it didn’t embed perfectly on my blog, click here if you want to watch it on their site.
