You can download it here:
Our Atlanta Film Fest screening of A Band of Rogues was sold out!
So fun to see your film and hear your music on the big screen. Hear the laughs and the comments.
See the encore next Sunday. 9pm. Plaza on Ponce.
Writing has started for our next short screenplay. One thing I like to do is work on musical ideas at the same time we’re working on the story. A lot of times writing the music out gives me ideas about the story and vice versa. This music clip is a little musical idea I’ve had. Although this film will probably be in Spanish as well, we want the music to be more universal. We really weren’t planning to do another Spanish film, but we just felt that this story would be told best in Spanish and in the Argentinian culture (or we just wanted a good reason to return to Argentina). That means different instruments and different chord progressions.
I want you to realize that it’s not easy for me to post unfinished material, but I just want to share the process. For some reason, being able to share the process seems to make it even more enjoyable. At some point, when I have more knowledge and experience under my belt I think that I would enjoy teaching music to others. Until then I’ll just make these sort of posts and try not to bore you.
P.S. The sheet music pictured above is actually the music you’re hearing. It looks crumpled because… well, I get carried away with Photoshop.
Our music is now on Pandora! Go here, or just search for “Stella Stagecoach” and create a radio station. (Our music is also on Groove Shark)
This is a video from a group called Mumford & Sons from the UK. I like how they mix American and Irish Folk influences.
Meanwhile, work has begun on my next arrangement project that’s due by the end of this semester. This time it’s going to be an original song. I’m thinking it’s going to be pretty big, strings, percussion, and who knows what else. I might post a demo of it, or I might just wait for a real recording.