Here’s how progress is going on the film so far…
Crossing the Andes back to the land I love. In the past three days I’ve traveled more than 10,000 miles. Pretty tiring to think of…
Crossing the Andes back to the land I love. In the past three days I’ve traveled more than 10,000 miles. Pretty tiring to think of…
The infamous Mathias Rex strikes again!
I’m officially a record collector, since I now have a nice little record player… This is “Manhattan” by Gershwin.
In the studio recording the next album, boys & girls!
I’m a lovin’ Autumn.
Sun Drop, the official drink of North Carolina.
In NC, here at Clayton Cafe trying out the famous sweet potato pancakes.
I’m think I’m gonna start posting pictures of cool signs I see. This is pretty amazing , on the side of a country store in rural NC.
The Green Wood, such a good place to put a hammock.
Up in NC, I’m hard to keep track of aren’t I?
Autumn is such a good time to be writing songs…
New Single Coming October 1st (on iTunes)!
This is where everyone is staying, quite a view, amazing at night.
Here we were shooting a scene in the ol’ bus, it was pretty funny so many people crowded in a little space as we rolled along.
Another picture of me and Pablo, I’m looking a bit like a Swiss Mountain Climber.
Los Reyunos, where well be staying the next couple of days for shooting.
Here’s how progress is going on the film so far…
On the edge…
I look like Anderson Cooper from CNN. Don’t worry, I’ll dye my hair back…