Rocky Farm Studio

We revamped the Rocky Farm Studio site, complete with a wool-tie photo shoot. Check it out!

Always remember there was nothing worth sharing like the love that let us share our name.
— The Avett Brothers

This is my first song on ukulele, such a fun instrument. I also tried singing a bit lower than normal. The lyrics are from various hymns.

The son of God goes forth to war
A kingly crown to gain
His blood red banner streams afar
Who follows in His train?

Yet victory is sure we face a vanquished foe
Then forward with the risen one to battle go

The martyr first who’s eagle eye
Can pierce beyond the grave
Who saw His Master in the sky
And calls on him to save

Yet victory is sure we face a vanquished foe
Then forward with the risen one to battle go
The powers of hell shall fail and all God’s will be done

The glorious band of chosen few
On whom the Spirit went
For though the wrong seems oft so strong
God is the ruler yet

Spring Song by Stella StageCoach