We revamped the Rocky Farm Studio site, complete with a wool-tie photo shoot. Check it out!
At IKEA today, makes me want an apartment to decorate. Maybe watch cooking shows and old movies on rainy days.
I’ve been into a group called Cocoon lately, my French friend introduced me to them. Lots of ukulele and guy/girl harmony. I’ve realized that a lot of my songs could use some good girl harmony. When I recorded the album I had a girl do back-up vocals but the problem was I didn’t really have time to develop good harmonies, I was sort of “on the clock.” I guess I need a girl that wants to be part of the songwriting process.
John Paul & I enjoying the show.
I’m attending an outdoor concert held by the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. Music under the stars.
“Always remember there was nothing worth sharing like the love that let us share our name.”
A re-edit of a photo taken in Patagonia.
I usually don’t post anything work-related (unless it’s music), but since I’ve returned to the US I’ve been working at what’s called Sage Café. I’m not a barista mind you, I mainly help the manager doing odd and end jobs like designing menus, writing health newsletters, selling health supplements (soon starting an online store).
The café is also connected to a health clinic so it’s pretty interesting, I’ll be working on something and a physical therapist will walk by and straighten my back giving me tips on good posture. It’s pretty funny.
Another big plus is that I get free smoothies and Chai Latté’s (one of my favorite drinks) to my heart’s content. But don’t worry, I haven’t given up on music.
I got free tickets to the baseball game, pretty good seats too.
Working on another song right now with this little beauty. A song complete with handclaps, tambourine, and old organ.
Silence by Nikolay Nikanorovich Dubovskoy, 1890
The style of this painting is so unique. I’m a likin’ it.
This is another moonscape I took while in the Argent. I think I want to print some of these to canvas, that is, when I have somewhere to put them all.
My mom’s jungle of a green house. We’ll probably be planting our garden the next couple days. I also just bought some old ivory piano keys, I think I’ll try my hand at a little scrimshaw, maybe make a necklace for a gift.
This is my first song on ukulele, such a fun instrument. I also tried singing a bit lower than normal. The lyrics are from various hymns.
The son of God goes forth to war
A kingly crown to gain
His blood red banner streams afar
Who follows in His train?
Yet victory is sure we face a vanquished foe
Then forward with the risen one to battle go
The martyr first who’s eagle eye
Can pierce beyond the grave
Who saw His Master in the sky
And calls on him to save
Yet victory is sure we face a vanquished foe
Then forward with the risen one to battle go
The powers of hell shall fail and all God’s will be done
The glorious band of chosen few
On whom the Spirit went
For though the wrong seems oft so strong
God is the ruler yet
Today I found a $100 bill in the grocery store parking lot. I did the honest thing and turned it in but the store manager said I could keep it. I hope this is a sign of things to come.
My new favorite chord, now to put it to use…
This past Sunday I spent the day manning a chase boat for a sailboat race. My father is member of a sailing club but he couldn’t make it so he asked me to fill in. I decided it would be a good day for some photo-graphy. I spent most of my time with George Randolph, an ex-fighter pilot and quite an interesting character. He told me how to successfully quit smoking a pipe, if I ever run into that problem.
He told me stories of the good ol’ days and taught me some good sailing tips. I’m looking forward to getting our boat in the water. Such a glorious activity sailing is, and pretty photogenic as well.