I just got back from Chattanooga to see Jeremy Larson (the producer of my album) and a band called Sleeping At Last. Both of them very talented artists with a unique sound. I wasn’t sure of what I would think of Sleeping At Last, to be honest. But when Ryan, the main singer, broke out his ukulele for the first song I knew it was going to be different- it was, much to my delight.

First of all, he has an amazing voice. That mixed with the eclectic bells, uke, and recorded string parts(by Jeremy) it was an enjoyable show. In addition to that his lyrics and songwriting felt genuine (something I can’t say of most contemporary Christian music).

After the show Jeremy introduced Tim and I to the band and we all ate at the infamous Waffle House, very friendly easy going guys. It’s refreshing to meet groups like this every now and then.
On a side note, when we got to Chattanooga in the afternoon we noticed a ton of rowing boats in the river. Come to find there was a national rowing championship going on. Definitely the first one I attended, although I can’t say I understand the sport completely. I’m pretty sure I enjoyed watching it I’m just not exactly sure why.

I almost forgot to mention it, but there was a steam boat and on the steamboat there was a pipe organ. It must have been set to the “piercing flute” setting because that was the first time I recall hearing “moon river” and wishing I wasn’t. Come to find out there was an elderly man responsible, at least he was enjoying himself.